Monday, November 5, 2007

Spankees Advent Calendar

For the spankee in your life a special advent calendar is the ticket to some holiday fun. Instead of chocolate or a picture behind each window put an implement or other item for spanking pleasure. There are spanking dice or cards or special aftercare items. Since the windows can be small a picture or description can be placed behind each window. Cloth ones can be continually reused and for that matter could be used for any month :)

You could even have a good spankee calendar and a naughty spankee calendar, depending on their behavior. The naughty one has all the implements, punishments. The good spankee calendar would have the implements the spankee likes and other special treats like bottom rubs.

Strange ideas when I need a spanking

As we were driving home from seeing my nephew and his kids (it's a bit over nine hours) I was thinking about spankings. Not that spankings are ever far from my mind, but that is another story. I got to thinking that we have a ton of implements and we only use five or ten of them. So I said that we should try using a different implement every day for the month.

So today at lunch I got told to pick thirty implements and set them out in the playroom. I figured if I picked all the fluffy wimpy ones I'd get in trouble, so there are a mix of nice ones and nasty ones. Some I like and some I don't like so much, but it was my idea and so now I get to deal with the consequences 8) . Since we are already five days into the month I guess that means that we will be playing catch up at some point. I hope it isn't tonight, because I am way behind on my spankings, meaning I am very very tender!
It will be a very interesting month I have a feeling. My bottom should be nice and warm all month long! The picture is the implements for the month, that I set out.